Intel Tube Labeling

The Client and the Challenge

Intel invested significantly in employing skilled researchers who dedicated hours each day to manually labeling samples with a sharpie. Unfortunately, the labels produced exhibited poor legibility and durability, leading to discomfort and sore hands for the researchers who spent extended periods writing. One researcher even likened the experience to having a “claw for a hand” at the end of a labeling day. Despite their efforts, much of the work proved futile as the ink easily rubbed off, posing challenges in tracking and managing the samples.

How TubeWriter Helped

With the TubeWriter, generating clear and durable labels for over a thousand samples takes just an hour. This means researchers at Intel no longer need to invest their precious working hours in label creation. The risk of SKUs being wiped off as samples change hands is mitigated, ensuring seamless sample tracking and enhancing overall compliance within the lab.

Client Testimonial

The Results: The TubeWriter created immense time and labour savings by increasing “lab labeling speed by 481.5%.”

Contact Us for a Demo

Get in touch with one of TubeWriter’s dedicated expert staff today to find out more about how our products can help improve your testing processes and free up valuable staff time.

The Client and the Challenge

The manual and time-consuming process of labeling tubes and vials can lead to inaccuracies, mismanagement, and decreased productivity. Intel faced lab challenges to find a solution that could automate the labeling process, improve accuracy, and increase overall efficiency. The TubeWriter offers a solution to this challenge by providing a fast and reliable means of labeling a wide variety of tubes and vials, reducing the risk of errors and freeing up valuable time for their researchers to focus on their work.

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